La Leche League Manchester offers use of a lending library with many books on childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting and related topics.
Use of the library at meetings or by post is free to LLL members. For non-members we request a donation of £1/book.
Use of the library at meetings or by post is free to LLL members. For non-members we request a donation of £1/book.
Email: for postal requests.
Birth Countdown to Optimal, Sylvie Donna
Spiritual Midwifery Ina May Gaskin
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
The New Experience of Childbirth Sheila Kitzinger
Breastfeeding Made Simple Mohrbacher, Kendall Tackett
Breastfeeding Matters, M Minchin
Fit To Bust, Alison Blenkinsop
Adventures in Tandem Nursing, Hilary Flower
Mothering Your Nursing Toddler, Norma Jane Bumgarner (2)
Breastfeeding Your Premature Baby, Gwen Gotsch
Making More Milk, Diana West (2)
Kangaroo Care, Ludington Hoe
Supporting Sucking Skills (reference only)
Exclusively Pumping Breastmilk, Stephanie Casemore
Three In A Bed, Deborah Jackson
Sleeping With Your Baby, McKenna
Sweet Sleep
Nursing Mother, Working Mother, Gale Pryor
The Milk of Human Kindness, Solveig Francis et al
Seven Voices One Dream, Cahill
What's a Smart Woman Like You Doing At Home Burton,Dittmer,Loveless
Siblings Without Rivalry, Faber & Mazlish
Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Roserberg
Parenting From Your Heart, Inbal Kashtan
Adventures in Gentle Discipline, Hilary Flower
Raising Your Spirited Child, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Growing Together, LLLI
How To Really Love Your Child, Campbell
Kiss Me!, Carlos Gonzalez
Learning A Loving Way Of Life, Halonen, Mohrbacher
People Skills
Raising Boys, Steve Biddulph
Why Love Matters, Sue Gerhardt
Baby Led Weaning, Gill Rapley (4)
Natural Baby Food Cookbook, Kenda Wiliams
Starting Solids DVD and leaflet
The Everyday Wholefood Cookbook, Roth Lea
Hello Baby
Pregnancy and Birth
Birth Countdown to Optimal, Sylvie Donna
Spiritual Midwifery Ina May Gaskin
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth
The New Experience of Childbirth Sheila Kitzinger
Breastfeeding – general
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by LLLI (4)Breastfeeding Made Simple Mohrbacher, Kendall Tackett
Breastfeeding Matters, M Minchin
Fit To Bust, Alison Blenkinsop
Toddler breastfeeding/weaning
How weaning happens, Diane BengsonAdventures in Tandem Nursing, Hilary Flower
Mothering Your Nursing Toddler, Norma Jane Bumgarner (2)
Breastfeeding – special circumstances
Mothering Multiples, Karen Kerkoff GromadaBreastfeeding Your Premature Baby, Gwen Gotsch
Making More Milk, Diana West (2)
Kangaroo Care, Ludington Hoe
Supporting Sucking Skills (reference only)
Exclusively Pumping Breastmilk, Stephanie Casemore
Nighttime Parenting, William Sears (2)Three In A Bed, Deborah Jackson
Sleeping With Your Baby, McKenna
Sweet Sleep
Working and Breastfeeding
Hirkani's Daughters: women who scale modern mountains to combine breastfeeding and working, Ed. J. HicksNursing Mother, Working Mother, Gale Pryor
How Mothers Love, Naomi Stadlen
Politics, sociology, anthropology of breastfeeding etc.
The Milk of Human Kindness, Solveig Francis et al
Seven Voices One Dream, Cahill
What's a Smart Woman Like You Doing At Home Burton,Dittmer,Loveless
Loving Guidance/ family communication etc.
How To Talk To Teens... Faber, MazlishSiblings Without Rivalry, Faber & Mazlish
Nonviolent Communication, Marshall B. Roserberg
Parenting From Your Heart, Inbal Kashtan
Adventures in Gentle Discipline, Hilary Flower
Raising Your Spirited Child, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Growing Together, LLLI
How To Really Love Your Child, Campbell
Kiss Me!, Carlos Gonzalez
Learning A Loving Way Of Life, Halonen, Mohrbacher
People Skills
Raising Boys, Steve Biddulph
Why Love Matters, Sue Gerhardt
Family life – general
The Fussy Baby, William SearsNutrition
My Child Won't eat!, Carlos GonzalesBaby Led Weaning, Gill Rapley (4)
Natural Baby Food Cookbook, Kenda Wiliams
Starting Solids DVD and leaflet
The Everyday Wholefood Cookbook, Roth Lea
Books for children
Michele the Nursing Toddler, Jane M. PinczukHello Baby